The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the entire world. Child custody arrangements aren’t different. 22 million children have parents that live outside their household. That’s more than a quarter of American children. These children need care, especially during a global crisis like this one. But parents and custody professionals are stressed. They aren’t sure of how to […]
What Happens in the Military Divorce Process and How Are Things Settled?
It’s an unfortunate fact, but divorce has undoubtedly become a part of American life. With a national divorce rate of 7.6, the legal proceeding is likely to affect many families — including servicemen and women. Unfortunately, a military divorce is more complicated than a typical civilian one. So, exactly how does the process work and how […]
Military Divorce – Everything Your Other Lawyer Didn’t Tell You
Did you know that divorce rates among military couples are significantly higher than those of civilian couples? And for each month that a spouse is deployed and away from their significant other, their chances of divorce go up. Being in the military can have a significant impact on one’s home life and one’s relationships. If you’re going through […]
Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer for Slip and Falls?
Are you the victim of a slip and fall case? Are you afraid insurance money won’t be enough to cover damages? Do you ever wonder “Do I need a personal injury lawyer?” Slips and falls can occur during rain or snow, on a stepladder, or when wet floors or poor lighting are present. They can […]
What To Do About Personal Injury Lawsuits and Insurance Claims in 2020
Do you need help with a personal injury claim? Have you or a family member been a victim of personal injury? If you or a loved one has been affected by a personal injury, then you already know how exhausting and stressful the process is. The health and safety of the personal injury victim is […]
Personal Injury & What To Do If You’re Injured At Work
Personal injury and accidents on the job site are a lot more frequent than most people believe. In fact, according to a 2019 workplace injury study, nearly three percent of full-time employees get injured on the job every year. So, if you’re one of the people looking for answers after asking, “I was injured at […]
Why Do You Need to Hire a Divorce Lawyer?
Why would you need to hire a divorce lawyer? When marriages are ending, it can be exceptionally difficult for all the parties involved. Individuals going through divorce deal with both emotional trauma and fears about how their life will go once their divorce is finalized. The legal guidelines that surround divorce lead to additional concerns, […]
Things To Know When Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer
No personal injury case is the same, and the same goes for personal injury lawyers in the Augusta area. Before you go through the expense of hiring just any personal injury attorney, contact the personal injury lawyers at Blake & Associates Law Firm in Augusta, GA and allow us to represent you in your personal […]
Same-Sex Divorce Lawyers at Blake & Associates Law Firm
Same-sex marriage is now the law of the land, and with the right to marry comes the right to legally end the union, with the same privileges and obligations regarding child custody and visitation, child support, alimony or spousal support and the division of property. If your marriage has ended, you want an experienced and […]